Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Novel Related Etsy Gifts - Part 2

Etsy is a brilliant place to get gifts. No matter what you're looking for, you'll usually find it there, in some form or another. Some of the best gifts are the book related ones. You can get everything from Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter to Jane Austen and so much more.


Etsy 6


Etsy 7


Etsy 8


Etsy 9


Etsy 10


Etsy 11


Monday, April 18, 2016

Romantic Quotes #8

This is a new feature, for 2016, to help provide the inspiration needed for those sexy, intense romances that we know you all love so much. Incidentally, some of the names are great resources for unusual character names. Poets and writers often had unique names, pen names or a flair for the dramatic and it may be useful to your story.
(Some of these are really old and from people and sources that I don't agree with. Take them as you will, but remember that I am not responsible for the meaning or implication of the quotes.)
Romantic Quotes #8

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Book Recommendation: Trifecta, by Kim Carmichael

Trifecta, by Kim Carmichael


Two men. One woman. It could ruin a friendship, or bring a satisfying twist to their lives. Artist, Jason Morgan, is used to making magic on the canvas. Now he hopes to do it in the bedroom. 
After a failed gallery showing, Jason decides the best way to cure his creative block is to act on his own personal fantasy, and enter into a sexual relationship with his two best friends. 
From the time they were in elementary school, Russell Sinclair has been a willing participant in Jason's adventures, but this one goes to a new level. He's intrigued by the idea of sharing one woman, but is challenged by how to fit this three-sided relationship into his traditional life. 
Lauren Redmond is no stranger to fantasy. As the aesthetic sales rep to the top Beverly Hills dermatologists, she is responsible for the majority of puffed lips and filled wrinkles in the greater Los Angeles area. She detours from her steady, secure path when she is offered the opportunity to live the dream with the two men who have occupied her heart since college. The fantasy fast becomes a powerful reality, and Lauren must decide if she is willing to give up everything she has worked for to have a bit of temporary decadence. 
Trifecta explores the boundaries of love, relationships and convention.

Buy Links

AmazonUSA         Amazon UK            Barnes and Noble


Kim Carmichael

Kim Carmichael

Author Bio:

Kim Carmichael began writing eight years ago when her need for graphic sex scenes and love of happy endings inspired her to create her own. She has a weakness for bad boys and techno geeks, and married her own computer whiz after he proved he could keep her all her gadgets running. When not writing, she can usually be found slathered in sunscreen trolling Los Angeles and helping top doctors build their practices.

Author Links:

Website          Twitter          Facebook         Goodreads


Friday, April 1, 2016

Romantic Quotes #7

This is a new feature, for 2016, to help provide the inspiration needed for those sexy, intense romances that we know you all love so much. Incidentally, some of the names are great resources for unusual character names. Poets and writers often had unique names, pen names or a flair for the dramatic and it may be useful to your story.
(Some of these are really old and from people and sources that I don't agree with. Take them as you will, but remember that I am not responsible for the meaning or implication of the quotes.)
Romantic Quotes #7