Thursday, August 20, 2015

Author Interview: Cecilia London

Author Interview:
Cecilia London
·        What is the title of your book?
I have two books out now: Dissident and Conscience. They are the first two releases in a planned six part series, the Bellator Saga.

Please tell us a little bit about your book.
They’re romance novels, but they’re not. It’s complicated, LOL. They’ve been described as political dystopian intellectual smut, but they’re maybe a little bit more than that.

If you like Scandal or House of Cards, if you still miss President Bartlet and yearn for The West Wing, or if you like speculative fiction and epic romance, you’ll love this story. You might even enjoy it if you like historical romance or crossovers like Outlander. It has well-developed side characters, witty banter and fresh dialogue, and a realistic, relatable hero and heroine. And if you also want a ton of hot sex in your books, then…we’re all set. You need to pick this series up now.

Our hero, Jack, is a millionaire. And a playboy. And a politician. And a silver fox. But he’s more than just a trope, too. He’s an incredibly sexy, sensitive, and devotedly alpha male.

When we first meet our heroine, Caroline, she is a Democratic member of Congress who has to apologize to Jack after saying some none too charitable things about him during the past campaign. A friendship and more is born…and the reader gets a glimpse into the beginning of her relationship with Jack in the first two books. Caroline ends up having to demonstrate tremendous strength and resolve as the books progress. She is definitely the heart of the series.

How did you come up with your book idea?
I’ve had the main players in my head for years, but it wasn’t until a bout of mild food poisoning and a hazy dream that I came up with the idea for the book series. So, thank you, tainted BBQ?

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
That’s hard to say. Obviously there are some deeper themes in the series. About power and privilege and what we do with those advantages, about love and forgiveness, and about spending more time holding our government accountable for its behavior. So while those issues are there and probably need to be addressed/reflected upon, there’s also an incredible love story and really hot sex scenes to go with them. ;)

If your book became a movie, what would your ideal cast be?
I have such a hard time with this one. I don’t really picture my characters as real people, though many readers have taken it upon themselves to draw up their vision of Jack or Caroline. My ideal Jack is a model named Laurence Nicotra (go ahead…Google him…I’ll wait.), but I can’t really put faces to any of the other characters.

What are your publishing credits?
Dissident and Conscience are my first two published works to date. There are four more books in the series: Sojourn, Phoenix, Rhapsody, and Triumph.

What are your plans for the future?

I would love to be able to write full-time, as I have many ideas for standalone novels inside my head. But my focus is on finishing up this series, for now.

What is your day job?
I am not currently practicing, but I am a licensed attorney. I’m sure I’ll go back to that eventually.

What is your preferred genre to write?
I adore writing romance and erotica. The flirty banter, the verbal foreplay, the creative ways that characters can find to demonstrate their affection for one another. But I also enjoy the speculative fiction/thriller aspects of the series I’m writing. I think I’d have a hard time writing straight genre fiction. There would have to be a love story in order for me to enjoy what I was doing.

How did you become a writer?
I started writing when I was a kid. True story: when I was little I dreamed of being a lawyer…and I also dreamed of being a writer. I feel so fortunate to have lived both my dreams.

Are you a planner, complete with detailed outlines, or do you fly by the seat of your pants when writing?
I write completely out of order, though the entire storyline is usually in my head or written down somewhere. I have been writing all the books simultaneously, which makes it easier to go back and fill in the blanks to make sure that all of the story arcs connect and flow properly. I have absolutely no method to my madness, which is perhaps a method in itself. Not everyone can write that way, but it works for me.

What is the best writing advice that you have ever been given?
Just do it. That’s all. Oh, and several authors who are now friends have encouraged me not to be shy, to feel confident in my abilities and comfortable asking for help. This isn’t a huge industry, and it’s important to have different support people from every aspect of the process (beta readers, fellow authors, bloggers, etc.).

What advice would you give a new writer?
Don’t give up. I have my bad days. We all do. But remember that you have a voice and you have a product and someone out there wants to read it!

What other projects do you have in the works at the moment?
I’ve got ideas for a few contemporary romances as well as a couple of dystopian reads. We’ll see how they pan out. I have to finish the Bellator Saga before I get cracking on them.

What surprises can we expect from you in the future?
If I told you, they wouldn’t be a surprise. ;)

If you could journey into any of your books, interacting with the characters, which would it be and why?
I don’t care if it sounds tasteless. I would love to sleep with Jack. What a sexy man.

What are you reading?
Right now I’m reading First Time by Abigail Barnette/Jenny Trout. I’ve been slacking off on reading lately with editing and writing, but I need to make more time to just relax with my Kindle. It helps me refocus.

What’s the most amusing thing that’s happened to you while you were writing this story?
My fictional characters have hidden chocolate bars from me. I’m not kidding. I bought a Ghirardelli bar in honor of my heroine’s best friend (Christine, who is my favorite person in the saga) and it just disappeared from the pantry. Apparently she wanted it more than I did.

What public appearances do you have planned in the future?
I haven’t booked any yet, but I’m thinking about RT in Vegas. Maybe some local stuff. We’ll see.

Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate. Always chocolate.

What is your favorite drink?
Moscato. Did you mean booze? Either way, Moscato.

Who is your dream man and why?
Obligatory “my husband and my son are the cutest men ever” canned answer. Does that work? ;)

See also: Laurence Nicotra.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with your fans?
Thank you so much for reading! Or if you’re new to my work, Dissident is free right now. If you think you might enjoy some political dystopian intellectual smut, pick up a copy. Or follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, whatever. Let’s chat.

Cecilia London is my pen name. I am a native Midwesterner who never thought I'd end up in Texas and yet here I am, determined to help Keep San Antonio Lame. I have been known to dabble in the practice of law. I can apply Simpsons quotes to everyday life, and I live for baseball season.  I've been writing off and on since I was a kid, but never really thought I’d have any idea that could turn into a single novel, let alone a series. There aren't many books about how dystopias/totalitarian political regimes come into existence, and I wanted to touch upon that topic while still maintaining a primary focus on the epic romance. Dissident and the Bellator Saga are my first foray into self-publishing.

Amazon author page:
Published works:
Dissident (March 17, 2015)
Conscience (August 17, 2015)

Free links for Dissident:


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