Thursday, September 3, 2015

Author Interview: L.E. Chamberlin

Author Interview:
L.E. Chamberlin

What is the title of your book? 
My newest release, August 17, is called For Life (Reclaimed Hearts Series Book 1).

Please tell us a little bit about your book. 
For Life is a second-chance contemporary romance about a couple who marries young and throws in the towel on their troubled marriage, only to find themselves deeply attracted to each other eleven years later. The same qualities that attracted them initially are still there, and they have the maturity to handle their old issues – but of course there are new issues at every stage of life, so they have those to grapple with.

How did you come up with your book idea?
Failed relationships/marriages have always fascinated me. There’s always the question of if it’s best to walk away or stick with it. I think the answer can be different for a couple at different times, and I wanted to explore the “what if.”

If your book became a movie, what would your ideal cast be?
Justice Joslin as Grady, Jacinda Barrett as Cassie, Amy Adams as Renée, and Olivia Wilde as Sandra.

What are your publishing credits?
I have three erotic novellas published with Ellora’s Cave, one with Strange Flesh Press, and a short story in an upcoming anthology to be published by Bella Books. I’ve also had stories included in two indie anthologies. For Life is my first full-length novel and my first self-published work.

What are your plans for the future? 
I hope to keep writing professionally for the rest of my life.

What is your day job?
I work in a bookstore, which is pretty great for all the obvious reasons! I’m also a certified teacher, although I’m not currently teaching full-time.

What is your preferred genre to write?
Romance is my first love, and erotica is an extension of that. I LOVE writing sex scenes. But I also love the little intimate moments between people. It’s fun to be a fly on the wall for those.

How did you become a writer?
I think I was born one. I’ve been writing as long as I can remember, even though I’ve only been published a year.

Are you a planner, complete with detailed outlines, or do you fly by the seat of your pants when writing? I’m a total “pantser” by nature, although I force myself to outline now because it really is more efficient. But I don’t write in a linear fashion; I write the scenes as they come to me and string them together or fill in as needed. So far, it works, but I’m also evolving as a writer. Will I ever be a detailed outline person, though? I can guarantee I won’t!

What advice would you give a new writer?
If you really want it, if it’s really in your bones to write, then do it. Make the time. Writing is a profession you can jump into at any age, at any stage of life, and it grows with you. If you’re easily discouraged or expect instant success, this might not be the right profession for you. But if it’s in your bones, answer that call.

What other projects do you have in the works at the moment?
There is another second-chance romance forthcoming in the Reclaimed Hearts Series. For Life has a sneak peek of Back to Life at the end. Stay tuned for that! I also have a series planned around a tattoo shop as well as some unfinished business with some characters I’ve already written.

What surprises can we expect from you in the future? 
I absolutely can’t tell you, because then they wouldn’t be surprises. But will there be surprises? Yes.

If you could journey into any of your books, interacting with the characters, which would it be and why?
I want to journey into someone else’s books for a change! I feel like I spend a lot of time in my own worlds. I want to hang out with some billionaires or mafiosos or SEALs.

What are you reading?
I’m plowing through my Goodreads Challenge at the moment.

What public appearances do you have planned in the future?
Visit me at Rock & Read Vegas in January 2016 and possibly some other dates later next year!

Chocolate or vanilla? 
That SO depends. Ice cream? Chocolate. Frosting? Vanilla. Cake? Chocolate. Milkshake? Vanilla all the way.

What is your favorite drink?
COFFEE. It is my lifeblood.

Who is your dream man and why?
I have an obsession with James Deen. I like a man who’s witty and slightly goofy and can make me laugh, but who is also driven and creative. Also, he has curly dark hair and blue eyes, which is my favorite combination on guys. Okay, so he’s a porn star and I’m not sure my family would be down with that. He’s also a wee bit shorter than I am. But yeah, it’s all about James for me.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with your fans?
EEK! I’m so happy to even HAVE fans! It’s exciting when someone falls in love with my characters. Also, I love hearing from people. It means so much to authors to hear from readers. Truly, it’s a huge thrill.

On behalf of Simply Sexy Reads, thank you!

Just This Once (Ellora's Cave)
A Whole New Level (Ellora's Cave)
I Owe You One (Strange Flesh Press)
Project Aphrodite: A Labor of Lust (ed. Arden Aoide)
Once: A Collection of Sinfully Sexy and Twisted Tales (Excessica)
The Rewards of Letting Go (Ellora's Cave
For Life (1001 Tales)  *August 17th, 2015

L.E. Chamberlin is a foodie and former librarian who never returns her library books on time. An aficionado of steamy romances, she wrote her first one at age thirteen and still has all eighty-six handwritten pages of it in a box under her bed.


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